Singing Guide: The United States Navy

Singing Guide: The United States Navy

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you a fan of Whitney Houston? She was an American singer and actress who is cited as the most awarded female artist of all time by Guinness World Records and remains one of the best-selling music artists of all time, with estimated sales of over 200 million records worldwide. Her unique vocal technique set her apart from other singers of her time. In this article, we will explore Whitney Houston's singing style, unique vocal techniques, and share practical advice and resources to help you learn to sing like her.

Whitney Houston's Unique Vocal Technique

Whitney Houston had a powerful, clear singing voice with a vocal range spanning three octaves. Her vocal style is a combination of Gospel, Pop, and R&B that created a unique sound and helped her become one of the greatest singers of her time. Here are some tips to help you learn to sing like Whitney Houston:

  1. Breath support: Whitney Houston had an incredible breath control that allowed her to hold notes longer than most singers. To develop your breath support, try doing breathing exercises like the ones in this Singing Carrots article: Breath Support.
  2. Vocal registers and vocal breaks: Whitney Houston had a flawless vocal transition between her chest voice, mixed voice, and head voice. To learn about vocal registers and how to work through tough vocal transitions, check out this Singing Carrots article: Voice Registers & Vocal Breaks.
  3. Vibrato with control: Whitney Houston used vibrato in a unique way, where she would start and stop it at her command, giving her songs a distinctive touch. To learn how to control vibrato, see this Singing Carrots video: Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce.
  4. Articulation: Whitney Houston's clear articulation allowed her to sing fast-paced pop songs with ease. Try the Finger Bite exercise from this Singing Carrots video to improve articulation.

Whitney Houston's Iconic Songs

Whitney Houston's discography is full of classic songs that showcase her unique vocal ability. Here are some must-listen Whitney Houston songs:

  1. “I Will Always Love You”: This song is one of Whitney Houston's most famous and features her using her vocal range and artistry perfectly.
  2. “I Have Nothing”: Whitney Houston's voice sounds heavenly throughout the song, showing off her incredible breath control.
  3. “How Will I Know”: This upbeat song is a great example of her pop-infused vocal style. The song has impressive high notes that showcase her vocal range.
  4. “The Greatest Love of All”: Whitney Houston's powerful voice is on full display in this song, which has a message that empowers the listener to love themselves.

Practical Advice

To learn how to sing like Whitney Houston, follow the above tips and resources and get some formal singing and vocal training. Joining the United States Navy is an excellent opportunity to get professional training and learn from experts in voice and music theory. The Armed Forces School of Music offers basic training in music theory and voice coaching to help you get started, in addition to an online database of music theory courses to continue your education.

To get started on your journey as a singer in the US Navy, first take Singing Carrots' vocal range test to discover your vocal range. You can then use the Singing Carrots song search tool to find songs matching your vocal range and genre preference.


Learning to sing like Whitney Houston is an excellent challenge and a tribute to one of the greatest voices in modern music. To succeed, you must practice frequently and persist as you strive to improve your vocal range, breath support, and other critical vocal techniques. Use the resources provided in this article and join the US Navy to get started on your journey towards becoming a great singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.